Enabling Telnet in Windows 7

My friends who likes to remote computers or routers must be familiar with the term telnet. According to Wikipedia Telnet (Telecommunication network) is an network protocol which used on Internet or Local Area Network for provide facility text-based communication interaction two-way who using virtual connection terminal.

By using telnet we could login to a computer or router who connected to a local network or internet be remotely and execute commands-commands in the command line. To do this we can use the command prompt window and type the command telnet where is the IP of the computer or router that will we telnet.

In the operating system Windows 7, feature Telnet is by default not enabled so to use telnet in Windows 7 we need to enable it first. Following how to enable telnet in windows 7:

  • Open the Control Panel window, and then click the Programs menu
  • Then the option Programs and Features, click Turn Windows features on or off
  • Find Telnet Server and Telnet Client, then check both these features untukmengaktifkan telnet in Windows 7.
  • the OK and wait a few moment until the have finished updating the the system.
Now the feature telnet in windows 7 is activated and ready we use


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